This error code indicates that the SCV II (Selective Control Valve II) lever position data has not been received via CAN message. This can be due to communication issues, improper configuration, or a faulty lever.
Exploring the World of John Deere: Insights, News, Tips, and Expertise
John Deere SCC fault codes, also known as SCC diagnostic trouble codes or SCC error codes, are critical for maintaining the optimal performance of your tractor’s selective control valves (SVs). These codes are generated when there is an issue in the communication between the SCV control lever, the ACU, and the SCC through the CAN bus network. The SCV control lever’s position is communicated to the ACU and then to the appropriate SV control units. Here, we explore the common SCC error codes, their causes, and where they typically occur.
These error codes typically arise in the CAN network that connects the SCV control lever, ACU, SCC, and individual SV control units. The dedicated CAN network ensures commands from the SCC are sent to each SV control unit, and they reply with their positions and flow rates. Codes are set when communication to or from any of these control units fails.
By understanding and addressing these common John Deere SCC error codes, you can maintain the reliability and performance of your tractor’s selective control valves, ensuring efficient operation in the field.
ACU codes AIC codes ATC codes BCU codes BIF codes BRC codes CAB codes CCU codes CLC codes CSC codes DTI codes ECU codes EPC codes ETC codes GPM codes ICC codes JDL codes OIC codes PTA codes PTD codes PTF codes PTH codes PTI codes PTP codes PTQ codes PTR codes RLC codes RPT codes SCC codes SCO codes SIC codes SSU codes TCU codes TIA codes TIQ codes TSC codes UIC codes VTV codes XMC codes XSC codes