This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 600006.31) is triggered by the CommandCenter (DTI) when the DTI receives a TCU diagnostic trouble code via the CAN BUS that is not stored in the DTI memory. This “general” diagnostic trouble code enables the…
John Deere TCU codes
This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 524227.12) is generated if the filter bypass valve (coldweather starting) is open while transmission input speed (engine speed) is above 1400 rpm and transmission oil temperature exceeds +30°C (86°F). If diagnostic trouble code TCU 000127.01…
John Deere TCU codes
This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 524227.07) is generated if the filter bypass valve (for coldweather starting) is closed under the following conditions: Transmission input speed (engine speed) is over 1400 rpm and transmission oil temperature is below 5°C (23°F). Engine…