ECU 000100.02 – Engine Oil Pressure Faulty. John Deere Engine Control.

ECU 000100.02 (ECU 100.02)

Code: 000100.02

Shortcode: 100.02


The ECU 000100.02 (100.02) error code indicates an anomaly where the engine oil pressure is not registering as zero even when the John Deere engine is off. This condition suggests a potential issue with the oil pressure sensor or the electrical circuit connected to it, which could be incorrectly signaling residual or phantom pressure due to a malfunction or a short.


The engine control system may interpret this faulty reading as an indication of an internal malfunction, which could lead to incorrect engine management decisions or unnecessary maintenance alerts.


  • Inspect Oil Pressure Sensor: Check the oil pressure sensor for signs of damage or failure that could cause incorrect readings.
  • Evaluate Electrical Connections: Ensure that all wiring connected to the oil pressure sensor is secure and free from shorts or corrosion, which might affect the sensor’s accuracy.
  • Calibrate or Replace the Sensor: If the sensor appears damaged or continues to provide erroneous readings after inspection, recalibrate if possible or replace it with a genuine John Deere part.
  • Reset the System and Test: After making necessary repairs or replacements, reset the engine control system to clear the error code. Test the engine with it both on and off to ensure that the oil pressure readings are accurate and reflect true engine conditions.


Regular maintenance and calibration of the oil pressure sensor are essential to ensure accurate monitoring of engine oil pressure. Faulty readings can lead to unnecessary engine downtime and repairs, so addressing any discrepancies quickly is crucial for maintaining the longevity and efficiency of John Deere engines. Additionally, always check for the latest updates or service bulletins from John Deere that may address known issues with oil pressure sensors in specific models.

Control Units: John Deere