ECU 000103.00 – Turbocharger Overspeed Warning. John Deere System Advisory.

ECU 000103.00 (ECU 103.00)

Code: 000103.00

Shortcode: 103.00


The error code ECU 000103.00 signifies that the turbocharger speed is excessively high, surpassing the normal operational limits. This condition indicates that the turbocharger is operating at a speed higher than what is considered safe, potentially due to a malfunction in the turbo system or control electronics.


In response to this fault, the engine control unit (ECU) may initiate a protective mode to prevent damage to the turbocharger and engine, which can include limiting engine power or revs.


  • Inspect Turbocharger System: Check for any mechanical issues that could cause the turbocharger to overspeed, such as a stuck wastegate or damaged turbine blades.
  • Verify Control Electronics: Ensure the sensors and electronic controls that regulate turbocharger speed are functioning correctly.
  • Perform System Diagnostics: Utilize diagnostic tools to read the turbocharger’s speed data to identify if the reading errors are due to sensor issues.
  • Replace Faulty Components: Replace any damaged or malfunctioning components identified during the inspection.
  • Reset ECU and Clear Fault Codes: After addressing the issues, reset the ECU to ensure all changes are effectively applied and clear any fault codes to re-evaluate the system’s status.


Regular maintenance of the turbocharger system is crucial. Anomalies in turbocharger speed could also stem from modifications or poor maintenance practices. Ensuring all components are functioning within manufacturer specifications is essential for preventing such critical issues.

Control Units: John Deere