ECU 000637.02 – Crankshaft Speed Sensor Input Noise. John Deere System Advisory.

ECU 000637.02 (ECU 637.02)

Code: 000637.02

Shortcode: 637.02


This diagnostic trouble code, ECU 000637.02, occurs when excessive noise (extra pulses) is detected in the input from the crankshaft position sensor. Such noise can lead to inaccurate engine speed readings and timing issues.


The engine’s control system may enact safety protocols such as altering the ignition timing or reducing engine power to avoid potential damage.


  • Inspect Sensor and Circuit: Check the crankshaft position sensor and its circuit for any signs of damage or interference.
  • Eliminate Electrical Interference: Identify and mitigate any sources of electromagnetic interference that could be affecting the sensor’s signal.
  • Replace Faulty Sensor: If the sensor is defective, replace it to restore accurate engine timing and speed measurements.
  • Confirm Sensor Performance: After addressing the issue, ensure the sensor operates without noise by conducting extensive testing.


!!! It is critical to address these issues promptly to maintain engine timing accuracy and overall vehicle reliability. Regular monitoring of sensor signals is recommended to prevent such problems from recurring.

Control Units: John Deere