EPC 000237.02 – VIN Information, Mismatch

EPC 000237.02 (EPC 237.02)

Code: 000237.02

Shortcode: 237.02


This error code, EPC 000237.02, is generated when the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) from other control units does not match. This indicates a discrepancy in the VIN information stored across different control units.


When this error is detected, the control system may flag the mismatch, potentially leading to issues with vehicle identification and management. This could affect diagnostics and servicing processes.


Verify VIN Information:

  • Check the VIN information stored in all relevant control units. Ensure that the VIN matches across all units.

Reprogram Control Units:

  • If discrepancies are found, reprogram the control units with the correct VIN information to ensure consistency.

Inspect Control Unit Connections:

  • Check the connections and wiring between the control units to ensure proper communication and data exchange.

Update Control Unit Software:

  • Ensure that all control units are running the latest software versions. Update the software if necessary to correct any issues.

Reset and Test System:

  • After addressing the VIN mismatch, reset the system and verify that the correct VIN information is recognized across all control units.


Maintaining consistent and accurate VIN information across all control units is crucial for proper vehicle identification and management. Regular updates and checks can help prevent such issues.

Control Units: John Deere