HCC 001079.03 – HCC Sensor Supply Voltage High

HCC 001079.03 (HCC 1079.03)

Code: 001079.03

Shortcode: 1079.03


This error code indicates that the Hitch Control Unit (HCC) sensor supply voltage is above 5.25 volts. This could be due to a malfunctioning sensor or an issue within the control unit’s voltage regulation.


The HCC function is degraded when this error code is active.


  • Inspect Sensor Wiring:
    • Check the wiring to the sensors for any signs of damage, loose connections, or corrosion.
  • Verify Sensor Operation:
    • Test the sensors to ensure they are functioning correctly and within their specified voltage ranges.
  • Check Voltage Regulation:
    • Inspect the HCC control unit’s voltage regulation circuitry to ensure it is working properly.
  • Replace Faulty Sensors:
    • If a sensor is found to be malfunctioning, replace it with a new one.
  • Consult Technical Support:
    • If the issue persists, contact technical support for further diagnostics and troubleshooting.


Maintaining the correct sensor supply voltage is critical for accurate hitch control. Regularly check and maintain the sensors and their connections to prevent voltage-related issues.

Control Units: John Deere