PAP 000639.12 – Vehicle CAN Bus (500 kBd), High Error Rate

PAP 000639.12 (PAP 639.12)

Code: 000639.12

Shortcode: 639.12


This error indicates that the control software cannot process all CAN Bus messages due to a high error rate. This may be caused by CAN bus overload or an internal software fault.


The control software will function with limitations or may not function at all.


  • Inspect CAN Bus:
    • Check for bus overload or physical issues such as loose connections or damaged wires.
  • Reduce Bus Load:
    • Reduce the number of messages on the CAN Bus, if possible, to alleviate overload.
  • Software Update:
    • Update the control software to ensure it handles CAN Bus messages efficiently.
  • Technical Support:
    • Consult with technical support for further diagnostics and solutions.


High error rates on the CAN Bus often indicate issues with the network’s physical layer or excessive message traffic.


Control Units: John Deere