PL1 000237.02 – VIN Information Mismatch
PL1 000237.02 (PL1 237.02)
Code: 000237.02
Shortcode: 237.02
This diagnostic trouble code is generated when the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) from various control units or control software does not match. This could be due to control unit replacements, software updates, or communication errors between units.
When this error occurs, the vehicle may have limited functionality to ensure safety and prevent potential misuse or errors in system operation.
- Verify VIN Consistency:
- Check the VIN in all control units to ensure they match.
- Reprogram or update the control units if necessary to synchronize the VIN.
- Inspect Control Unit Installation:
- Ensure that any replaced or updated control units are correctly configured and integrated into the system.
- Consult Technical Support:
- If the issue persists, consult the manufacturer or technical support for assistance in resolving the VIN mismatch.
VIN mismatches can lead to operational restrictions and should be resolved promptly to ensure full functionality and compliance with vehicle regulations.