PTA 000237.02 – VIN Information, Mismatch
PTA 000237.02 (PTA 237.02)
Code: 000237.02
Shortcode: 237.02
This diagnostic trouble code is generated when the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) from other control software does not match the expected VIN, indicating a possible data inconsistency or tampering.
Limited function of the vehicle until the error is corrected, indicating a critical issue with vehicle identification.
Verify VIN:
- Check the VIN in the control software and compare it with the vehicle’s official VIN.
- Correct any discrepancies by updating the control software with the correct VIN.
Inspect Data Consistency:
- Ensure that all control units and software versions are consistent with the vehicle’s specifications.
- Update or reprogram any control units that have mismatched data.
Consult Manufacturer:
- If the VIN mismatch persists, consult the vehicle manufacturer or a certified technician for further diagnosis and resolution.
Maintaining consistent and accurate VIN information across all control software is essential for proper vehicle operation and security. Regular verification and updates can help prevent data inconsistencies.