PTA 000630.13 – Control Software Not Calibrated

PTA 000630.13 (PTA 630.13)

Code: 000630.13

Shortcode: 630.13


This diagnostic trouble code is generated when the PTA control software has not been calibrated yet, is incorrectly calibrated, or if calibration has not been completed. This code may also appear by mistake during transmission calibration.


The diagnostic trouble code triggers the alarm level: Information. It does not immediately affect the function of the control software.


Perform Calibration:

  • Complete the calibration procedure for the control software if it has not been done.

Verify Calibration:

  • Check if the control software calibration was completed correctly.
  • Recalibrate if there are any errors or if the diagnostic trouble code cannot be deleted.

Review Calibration Process:

  • Ensure the correct calibration procedure is being followed.
  • Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper calibration steps.

Consult Technical Support:

  • If the issue persists, consult technical support or the manufacturer for assistance in resolving the calibration problem.


Proper calibration of control software is essential for accurate operation. Ensure the calibration procedure is followed correctly and consult technical support if issues persist.

Control Units: John Deere