RPT 000630.13 – Control Software Not or Incorrectly Calibrated

RPT 000630.13 (RPT 630.13)

Code: 000630.13

Shortcode: 630.13


This diagnostic trouble code, RPT 000630.13, is generated when the rear PTO is not calibrated or is incorrectly calibrated. Proper calibration is essential for the accurate operation of the rear PTO and the overall performance of the equipment.


When this error is detected, the functionality of the rear PTO is significantly limited or entirely non-functional, affecting the operation of the connected implement.


Recalibrate Rear PTO:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to recalibrate the rear PTO.
  • Use the appropriate diagnostic tools and procedures to ensure accurate calibration.

Inspect Calibration Equipment:

  • Ensure that the calibration equipment and tools are functioning correctly and are properly calibrated themselves.

Verify Calibration Settings:

  • Double-check the calibration settings to ensure they are correct and within the manufacturer’s specified range.

Update Control Software:

  • Ensure that the control software is updated to the latest version.
  • Apply any available patches or updates that address calibration issues.

Consult Technical Support:

  • If the problem persists, consult with technical support or the equipment manufacturer for further assistance.
  • Provide detailed information about the calibration process and any encountered issues.

Monitor PTO Performance:

  • After recalibration, monitor the rear PTO to ensure it operates correctly.
  • Keep detailed records of any further calibration-related issues.


Proper calibration is crucial for the accurate operation of the rear PTO. Regular recalibration and maintenance can help prevent such issues.

Control Units: John Deere