SSU 523822.08 – Wheel Angle Sensor-Flow Meter Signal Fault

SSU 523822.08 (SSU )

Code: 523822.08



This diagnostic trouble code (DTC), SSU 523822.08, is triggered when the Steering System Control Unit (SSU) detects that the wheel angle sensor-flow meter signal is bad or there is a dead channel. This indicates a problem with the signal quality or continuity from the sensor-flow meter.


When this error is detected, the steering system may not function correctly, potentially leading to inaccurate steering angle readings and compromised vehicle control.


Inspect Sensor Signal Quality:

  • Check the signal quality from the wheel angle sensor-flow meter to ensure it is within the expected range.
  • Use diagnostic tools to identify any issues with the signal.

Verify Connections:

  • Inspect the wiring and connectors related to the wheel angle sensor-flow meter for signs of damage, loose connections, or corrosion.
  • Ensure all connections are secure and free from contaminants.

Check for Dead Channels:

  • Use diagnostic tools to check for dead channels or non-responsive segments in the sensor.

Update Software:

  • Ensure that the SSU software is up-to-date. Apply any available firmware updates to improve system performance and signal processing.

Replace Faulty Components:

  • If the wheel angle sensor-flow meter or related components are found to be defective, replace them with new, genuine parts.

Consult Technical Support:

  • If the error persists after performing the above steps, consult technical support or the manufacturer for further assistance.


  • Regular maintenance and inspection of the electrical system can help prevent signal faults.
  • Ensuring the wiring and connectors are in good condition is crucial for reliable operation of the control unit and steering system.

Control Units: John Deere