SV3 000158.03 – SV III Switched Supply Voltage High

SV3 000158.03 (SV3 158.03)

Code: 000158.03

Shortcode: 158.03


This error occurs when the switched supply voltage to the Selective Control Valve Unit III (SV III) exceeds 16.0 volts.


When this error is detected, the equipment may experience improper functioning of the SV III, potentially leading to erratic or unreliable control of the valve.


  • Inspect Voltage Source:
    • Check the voltage supply to the SV III. Ensure it is within the specified range (typically below 16.0 volts).
  • Check Electrical Connections:
    • Inspect all wiring and connections leading to the SV III for signs of damage, corrosion, or loose connections. Repair or replace as necessary.
  • Perform VLC Diagnostics:
    • Since the Vehicle Load Center (VLC) control unit wake-up circuit is a voltage source, perform diagnostics on the VLC codes first. This will help ensure the voltage regulation is functioning correctly.


This code and other 000158.XX codes may be present in other control units. It is crucial to address VLC diagnostics first as it serves as the voltage source for the wake-up circuit.

Control Units: John Deere