SV7 004085.07 – SV VI Not in Neutral Position

SV7 004085.07 (SV7 4085.07)

Code: 004085.07

Shortcode: 4085.07


This error code indicates that the Selective Control Valve VI (SV VI) is not in the NEUTRAL position. This can occur due to mechanical or electrical issues affecting the valve operation, or by moving the control lever with the key on and engine off.


When this error code is detected, the functionality of the Selective Control Valve VI may be impaired, potentially affecting the hydraulic functions it controls.


Inspect Valve Mechanism:

  • Check the mechanical components of SV VI to ensure they are not obstructed or damaged. Clean, lubricate, or replace parts as necessary.

Verify Control Signals:

  • Ensure that the control signals being sent to SV VI are correct and that the valve is receiving the proper commands to move to the NEUTRAL position.

Operator Usage:

  • Remind the operator to avoid moving the control lever with the key on and engine off, as this can trigger the error code.

Software Calibration:

  • Perform a software calibration of SV VI to ensure it is correctly configured to reach the NEUTRAL position.

Consult Technical Support:

  • Contact John Deere technical support if the issue persists after performing the above steps. They can provide further guidance and advanced diagnostic procedures.


Proper operator training and regular maintenance can help prevent issues related to valve positioning. Addressing any mechanical or signal issues promptly is essential for maintaining optimal operation.

Control Units: John Deere