TCU 000191.02 – B63 Sensor for Transmission Output Speed, Signal Does Not Match the CAN BUS Message of the PLC
TCU 000191.02 (TCU 191.02)
Code: 000191.02
Shortcode: 191.02
This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 000191.02) is generated if there is a frequency discrepancy between the signal from the transmission output speed sensor (B63) and the CAN BUS signal from the wheel speed sensor (B84). This code may not have significant meaning on its own and could be stored accidentally. Diagnosis should be performed only if one or more related faults occur alongside this code.
When this error code is detected, it may not necessarily affect equipment performance unless related faults are present. The system might log the error without taking any protective action.
1. Monitor for Related Faults:
- Check for Additional DTCs: Look for other diagnostic trouble codes that may be related and prioritize their resolution.
- Perform Diagnosis if Necessary: Only proceed with diagnosis if related faults are detected.
2. Inspect Sensor Signals:
- Verify Sensor Signals: Compare the signals from the transmission output speed sensor (B63) and the wheel speed sensor (B84) for consistency.
- Check Sensor Alignment: Ensure both sensors are correctly aligned and installed.
3. Examine Wiring and Connectors:
- Inspect Wiring: Check the wiring between the sensors and the control unit for any damage or disconnections.
- Repair or Replace: Repair or replace any faulty wiring or connectors.
This code often does not require action unless associated with other faults. Regular maintenance and inspection can help identify and prevent related issues.