TCU 000630.13 – Control Unit Not Calibrated
TCU 000630.13 (TCU 630.13)
Code: 000630.13
Shortcode: 630.13
This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 000630.13) is generated if the TCU has not been calibrated yet, is incorrectly calibrated, or if calibration has not been completed. It is also possible that this diagnostic trouble code is generated by mistake during transmission calibration. This code triggers an “Information” alarm level and does not necessarily indicate a serious issue unless it cannot be deleted.
When this error code is detected, the equipment might display an information alert regarding the calibration status. This code typically does not affect equipment performance unless the calibration is critical for specific functions.
1. Verify Calibration Status:
- Check Calibration: Verify if the TCU calibration process has been completed successfully.
- Recalibrate if Necessary: If the code persists and calibration is incomplete, perform the calibration procedure again.
2. Delete the Code:
- Attempt to Clear Code: Use diagnostic tools to attempt to delete the diagnostic trouble code.
- Recalibrate if Undeletable: If the code cannot be deleted, recalibrate the TCU.
3. Inspect Calibration Procedure:
- Ensure Correct Procedure: Make sure the calibration procedure is followed correctly without interruptions.
- Repeat Calibration: Repeat the calibration if it was not completed properly.
Regularly verify the calibration status of the TCU, especially after updates or maintenance, to ensure optimal performance. Ensure the correct calibration procedure is followed to avoid false error codes.