TIQ 000525.07 (TIQ 525.07) – Wheel Speed Sensor Fault

TIQ 000525.07 (TIQ 525.07)

Code: 000525.07

Shortcode: 525.07


This error code indicates that the error rate at received CAN Bus data points from the wheel speed sensor is too high. This can be caused by sensor malfunction, wiring issues, or communication errors on the CAN Bus network.


When this fault is detected, the control software restricts the number of gears that can be shifted to ensure safe operation.


  • Sensor Inspection:
    • Check the wheel speed sensor for any signs of damage or wear.
    • Ensure the sensor is properly mounted and aligned.
  • Wiring and Connections:
    • Inspect the wiring and connections to the wheel speed sensor for any signs of damage, corrosion, or loose connections.
    • Repair or replace any faulty wiring or connectors.
  • CAN Bus Diagnostics:
    • Use diagnostic tools to check the integrity of the CAN Bus network.
    • Look for any communication errors and address them accordingly.
  • Replace Faulty Components:
    • If the sensor or associated components are found to be faulty, replace them with new, compatible parts.


Regular maintenance and inspection of sensors and wiring can help prevent communication errors and ensure reliable operation of the transmission system.

Control Units: John Deere