TIQ 001745.14 (TIQ 1745.14) – CAN BUS Fault, Driving of Vehicle is Limited

TIQ 001745.14 (TIQ 1745.14)

Code: 001745.14

Shortcode: 1745.14


This diagnostic trouble code is generated when the control software has not completed all boot routines during initialization. This incomplete initialization can lead to issues with CAN Bus communication and limited vehicle functionality. Moving the shift lever to the park position may be required to re-initialize the control software.


When this fault is detected, the control software may have limited or no functionality, affecting the vehicle’s ability to drive properly.


  • Re-initialize Control Software:
    • Move the shift lever to the park position to trigger a re-initialization of the control software.
    • Ensure the vehicle is on a flat, stable surface before attempting re-initialization.
  • Check Software Integrity:
    • Verify the integrity of the control software and perform any necessary updates.
    • Reinstall the software if corruption is detected.
  • Inspect Initialization Process:
    • Monitor the control software’s boot routines to ensure all steps are completed successfully.
    • Identify and address any issues that may cause incomplete initialization.
  • Consult Technical Support:
    • Contact technical support or the manufacturer if re-initialization fails to resolve the issue.


Ensuring the control software completes all boot routines during initialization is crucial for proper vehicle operation. Regular updates and maintenance can help prevent initialization issues.

Control Units: John Deere