UIC 000237.14 – VIN Information, System DeActivated
UIC 000237.14 (UIC 237.14)
Code: 000237.14
Shortcode: 237.14
This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) UIC 000237.14 is generated when the VIN security function was not enabled due to an internal problem. This indicates an incorrect reprogramming of the control unit, preventing the system from activating the VIN security feature.
When this error occurs, the control unit may disable certain security features or limit vehicle functionality to prevent unauthorized use or tampering.
- Check Reprogramming Procedure:
- Verify that the control unit reprogramming procedure was completed correctly and according to manufacturer specifications.
- Ensure that all steps in the reprogramming process were followed accurately.
- Reprogram Control Unit:
- If an error occurred during the initial programming, reprogram the control unit to enable the VIN security function correctly.
- Use authorized and updated software for the reprogramming process.
- Consult Technical Support:
- If the issue persists after reprogramming, contact John Deere technical support for further assistance and potential software updates.
It is crucial to use the correct and authorized tools and software when reprogramming control units to avoid such errors and ensure proper system functionality.