UIC 000237.31 – VIN Information, Incorrect

UIC 000237.31 (UIC 237.31)

Code: 000237.31

Shortcode: 237.31


This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) UIC 000237.31 is generated when the vehicle identification number (VIN) from other control units is not received or is incorrectly received. All active VIN participants must send the programmed VIN to the UIC at regular intervals.


When this error occurs, the control unit may disable certain vehicle functions or security features, potentially limiting vehicle performance to prevent unauthorized use or tampering.


  • Verify VIN Consistency:
    • Check the VIN stored in all control units and ensure they match the official VIN of the vehicle.
    • Use diagnostic tools to read and compare VIN information from all control units.
  • Inspect Communication Lines:
    • Ensure that all communication lines between control units are secure and free of damage or interference.
    • Check connectors and wiring for signs of corrosion or wear.
  • Reprogram Control Units:
    • If a mismatch or error is found, reprogram the control units with the correct VIN information.
    • Ensure that the programming procedure is done correctly to prevent future mismatches.
  • Consult Technical Support:
    • If the issue persists after reprogramming, contact John Deere technical support for further assistance and potential software updates.


Regularly updating control unit software helps maintain compatibility and proper communication between units.

Control Units: John Deere