UIC 000587.31 – Control Unit, Wrong Input Value
UIC 000587.31 (UIC 587.31)
Code: 000587.31
Shortcode: 587.31
This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) UIC 000587.31 is generated if an invalid tractor type is detected in address UIC036 during initialization (booting the control unit after ignition ON). This indicates that the UIC has not been programmed properly or has not been programmed at all.
When this error occurs, the control unit may prevent the vehicle from starting or operating correctly due to the incorrect input value, leading to a potential fail-safe mode to protect the system.
- Verify Programming:
- Check the programming of the UIC to ensure it has been correctly set up with the valid tractor type.
- Use diagnostic tools to verify the input values at address UIC036.
- Reprogram Control Unit:
- If incorrect values are found, reprogram the UIC with the correct tractor type and settings.
- Ensure that the latest software and updates are used for programming.
- Consult Technical Support:
- If the issue persists after reprogramming, contact John Deere technical support for further assistance and potential software updates.
Ensure that all programming procedures are performed using authorized and updated tools to avoid incorrect input values.