UIC 000598.31 – Clutch Pedal Switch, Signal Not Plausible

UIC 000598.31 (UIC 598.31)

Code: 000598.31

Shortcode: 598.31


This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) UIC 000598.31 is generated if the switch position of clutch pedal switch S72 (transmitted as a CAN message by the TCU) does not match the position of the clutch pedal (ascertained via the signal from clutch pedal potentiometer B65).


When this error occurs, the control unit may limit the functionality of the clutch system, potentially affecting the vehicle’s drivability and safety.


  • Inspect Clutch Pedal Switch and Potentiometer:
    • Check the wiring and connections of the clutch pedal switch (S72) and the clutch pedal potentiometer (B65) for any loose, damaged, or corroded connectors.
    • Measure the signals from both the switch and potentiometer to ensure they match the actual position of the clutch pedal.
  • Verify CAN BUS Communication:
    • Ensure that the CAN BUS network is functioning correctly and that there are no communication issues between the TCU and other control units.
    • Inspect the CAN BUS wiring for any signs of damage or interference.
  • Replace Faulty Components:
    • If discrepancies are found between the switch and potentiometer signals, replace the faulty clutch pedal switch (S72) or clutch pedal potentiometer (B65).
  • Consult Technical Support:
    • If the issue persists after checking and replacing components, contact John Deere technical support for further assistance and potential software updates.


Intermittent faults in the wiring or connectors can cause signal discrepancies. Ensure a thorough inspection to avoid repeat occurrences. Regular maintenance of the clutch system and its components can help prevent such issues.

Control Units: John Deere