UIC 000629.12 – Control Unit Internal Fault

UIC 000629.12 (UIC 629.12)

Code: 000629.12

Shortcode: 629.12


This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) UIC 000629.12 is generated when the control unit internally detects that too much time has elapsed (watchdog timer). This indicates that the control unit has taken longer than expected to complete its tasks, potentially due to an internal fault or processing error.


When this error occurs, the control unit may enter a fail-safe mode or limit functionality to prevent further issues, potentially impacting vehicle performance.


  • Perform a Hard Reset:
    • Turn off the ignition and disconnect the battery for a few minutes before reconnecting and restarting the control unit.
  • Inspect Control Unit and Connections:
    • Check all wiring and connections to the control unit for any loose, damaged, or corroded connectors.
  • Update Control Unit Software:
    • Ensure the control unit software is up-to-date with the latest firmware and patches.
  • Replace Control Unit:
    • If the watchdog timer issue persists, consider replacing the control unit with a new or refurbished unit.
  • Consult Technical Support:
    • If the problem remains unresolved, contact John Deere technical support for further diagnostics and potential solutions.


Regular software updates and proper maintenance of the control unit can help prevent issues related to the watchdog timer.

Control Units: John Deere