UIC 001079.02 – 5Volt Components, Power Supply Fault

UIC 001079.02 (UIC 1079.02)

Code: 001079.02

Shortcode: 1079.02


This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) UIC 001079.02 is triggered if the control unit detects several incorrect output signals from the 5-volt components (potentiometers for brake pedal, clutch pedal, speed control lever, accelerator pedal, and hand throttle). This indicates a problem in the 5-volt power supply. If diagnostic trouble code UIC 001079.03 or UIC 001079.04 is not stored as well, this indicates a problem at ground lead 6031 (the ground lead for the 5-volt components).


When this error occurs, the control unit may limit or disable the functionality of multiple components, potentially impacting vehicle control and performance.


  • Inspect 5-Volt Power Supply:
    • Verify the integrity of the 5-volt power supply to ensure it is providing consistent and accurate voltage to all connected components.
    • Check for any signs of overloading or faults in the power supply circuitry.
  • Inspect Ground Lead 6031:
    • Ensure the ground lead 6031 is securely connected and free of corrosion or damage.
    • Verify the continuity of the ground lead to rule out any intermittent issues.
  • Inspect All 5-Volt Components:
    • Check the wiring and connections of all components using the 5-volt supply for any signs of damage, corrosion, or loose connections.
  • Replace Faulty Components:
    • If any specific 5-volt components are found to be faulty, replace them as necessary.
  • Consult Technical Support:
    • If the issue persists, contact John Deere technical support for further diagnostics and potential solutions.


Ensuring a stable 5-volt power supply and proper grounding is crucial for the reliable operation of multiple vehicle systems. Regular maintenance and inspection can help prevent power supply faults.

Control Units: John Deere