UIC 524109.19 – Incorrect CAN BUS Message, Transmission Output Speed from TCU and PLC

UIC 524109.19 (UIC )

Code: 524109.19



This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) UIC 524109.19 is generated when the Transmission Control Unit (TCU) and Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) do not register any transmission output speed and thus cannot provide the CAN BUS with any data. A transmitted replacement value generates this diagnostic trouble code in the UIC. In its active state, this fault also generates a diagnostic trouble code at the TCU and/or PLC. These diagnostic trouble codes take priority.


When this error occurs, the control unit may prevent the tractor from operating correctly due to the lack of transmission output speed data, potentially leading to a fail-safe mode.


  • Inspect TCU and PLC:
    • Check the TCU and PLC for proper operation and ensure they are registering the transmission output speed correctly.
  • Verify CAN BUS Communication:
    • Ensure the CAN BUS network is functioning properly, and there are no communication issues between the TCU, PLC, and other control units.
  • Check Wiring and Connections:
    • Inspect all wiring and connectors related to the TCU, PLC, and CAN BUS network for damage, corrosion, or loose connections.
  • Replace Faulty Components:
    • If the TCU or PLC is found to be faulty, replace them as necessary.
  • Consult Technical Support:
    • If the issue persists, contact John Deere technical support for further diagnostics and potential solutions.


Regular maintenance and monitoring of the CAN BUS network and control units can help prevent such faults and ensure reliable operation.

Control Units: John Deere