TCU 522379.11 – Y15/2 Park Lock Solenoid Valve 2, Fault

TCU 522379.11 (TCU )

Code: 522379.11



This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 522379.11) is generated if the PLC control unit reports a problem with Y15/2 park lock solenoid valve 2 via the CAN BUS. In its active state, this fault also generates a diagnostic trouble code at the PLC, which takes priority.


When this error code is detected, the equipment may experience issues with the park lock mechanism, leading to potential performance problems. The system might enter a protective mode to prevent further issues, resulting in limited operational capabilities.


1. Inspect Solenoid Valve 2:

  • Verify Fault: Check for any reported issues with the Y15/2 park lock solenoid valve 2 as indicated by the PLC.
  • Check Operation: Ensure the solenoid valve is operating correctly and responding to control signals.

2. Examine Wiring and Connectors:

  • Inspect Wiring: Check all wiring and connectors associated with the solenoid valve for damage or disconnection.
  • Repair or Replace: Repair or replace any damaged components.

3. Verify PLC Functionality:

  • Test PLC: Ensure that the PLC control unit is correctly processing and transmitting signals regarding the solenoid valve.
  • Update Software: Update the PLC software if necessary.

4. Address Related DTCs:

  • Prioritize PLC Codes: Process and resolve any diagnostic trouble codes generated by the PLC, as they take priority.


Maintaining the solenoid valve and its associated circuitry is crucial for accurate park lock operation. Regular inspections and prompt repairs can help prevent issues related to faults reported by the PLC.

Control Units: John Deere