Sing-along to this compilation of all of our nursery rhymes with Tractor, Gator, Dump, Dozer, and all of your John Deere Kids friends!
Kids Nursery Rhyme Collection
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Wheels on the Tractor
Old Macdonald Had a FarmÂ
‘Row Your Boat’ SongÂ
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Sing Along-Nursery RhymesSing-along to this classic nursery rhyme — with a John-Deere-Kids-twist!
Wheels on the Tractor Sing-Along! Nursery Rhymes Take a ride to Old MacDonald’s farm with Gator, Dump, Dozer, and all of our John Deere Kids animal friends!
Old MacDonald Had a Farm Sing-Along! Nursery Rhymes
Row, Row, Row Your Boat Sing-Along! Nursery Rhymes