TCU 522392.05 – C3 Solenoid Valve for Clutch 3, Current Too Low

TCU 522392.05 (TCU )

Code: 522392.05



This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 522392.05) is generated if the control unit registers a resistance at the solenoid valve that does not correspond with the switch status of clutch 3. This indicates that the solenoid valve’s circuit is open, leading to insufficient current flow.


When this error code is detected, the equipment may experience issues with clutch 3 operation, leading to potential performance problems. The system might enter a protective mode to prevent further issues, resulting in limited operational capabilities or warnings displayed to the operator.


1. Inspect Solenoid Valve Circuit:

  • Check for Open Circuit: Inspect the wiring for any signs of disconnection or breaks in the circuit.
  • Ensure Secure Connections: Make sure all connections are secure and free of corrosion.

2. Test the Solenoid Valve:

  • Measure Current: Use a multimeter to measure the current at the signal input of the C3 solenoid valve.
  • Replace if Faulty: Replace the solenoid valve if it is not drawing sufficient current.

3. Examine Wiring and Connectors:

  • Inspect for Damage: Check the wiring and connectors associated with the solenoid valve for damage or disconnection.
  • Repair or Replace: Repair or replace any damaged components.

4. Verify Control Unit Functionality:

  • Test Control Unit: Ensure that the control unit is correctly processing the solenoid valve signals.
  • Update Software: Update the control unit software if necessary.

Note: Maintaining the solenoid valve and its associated circuitry is crucial for accurate clutch operation. Regular inspections and prompt repairs can help prevent issues related to low current readings.

Title: TCU 522395.03 – C2 Solenoid Valve for Clutch 2, Voltage Too High

Code: 522395.03

ShortCode: 522395.03

Description: This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 522395.03) is generated if the control unit registers resistance and voltage at the solenoid valve that do not correspond with the switch status of clutch 2. This indicates a short to a positive lead or a defective solenoid valve. The fault can be recognized by the control unit during initialization (control unit boot sequence after the ignition is switched ON) or with transmission in speed bands 2, 3, and 4.

Equipment Reaction: When this error code is detected, the equipment may experience issues with clutch 2 operation, leading to potential performance problems. The system might enter a protective mode to prevent further issues, resulting in limited operational capabilities or warnings displayed to the operator.

Recommendations for Elimination:

1. Inspect Solenoid Valve Circuit:

  • Check for Shorts: Inspect the wiring for any signs of shorting to a positive lead.
  • Ensure Secure Connections: Make sure all connections are secure and free of corrosion.

2. Test the Solenoid Valve:

  • Measure Voltage: Use a multimeter to measure the voltage at the signal input of the C2 solenoid valve.
  • Replace if Faulty: Replace the solenoid valve if it is providing high voltage readings.

3. Examine Wiring and Connectors:

  • Inspect for Damage: Check the wiring and connectors associated with the solenoid valve for damage or disconnection.
  • Repair or Replace: Repair or replace any damaged components.

4. Verify Control Unit Functionality:

  • Test Control Unit: Ensure that the control unit is correctly processing the solenoid valve signals.
  • Update Software: Update the control unit software if necessary.

Note: Maintaining the solenoid valve and its associated circuitry is crucial for accurate clutch operation. Regular inspections and prompt repairs can help prevent issues related to high voltage readings.

Title: TCU 522395.04 – C2 Solenoid Valve for Clutch 2, Voltage Too Low

Code: 522395.04

ShortCode: 522395.04

Description: This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 522395.04) is generated if the control unit registers a resistance at the solenoid valve that does not correspond with the switch status of clutch 2, and a voltage drop at the solenoid valve is also registered. This typically indicates a short to ground in the solenoid valve circuit.

Equipment Reaction: When this error code is detected, the equipment may experience issues with clutch 2 operation, leading to potential performance problems. The system might enter a protective mode to prevent further issues, resulting in limited operational capabilities or warnings displayed to the operator.

Recommendations for Elimination:

1. Inspect Solenoid Valve Circuit:

  • Check for Shorts to Ground: Inspect the wiring for any signs of shorting to ground.
  • Ensure Secure Connections: Make sure all connections are secure and free of corrosion.

2. Test the Solenoid Valve:

  • Measure Voltage: Use a multimeter to measure the voltage at the signal input of the C2 solenoid valve.
  • Replace if Faulty: Replace the solenoid valve if it is providing low voltage readings.

3. Examine Wiring and Connectors:

  • Inspect for Damage: Check the wiring and connectors associated with the solenoid valve for damage or disconnection.
  • Repair or Replace: Repair or replace any damaged components.

4. Verify Control Unit Functionality:

  • Test Control Unit: Ensure that the control unit is correctly processing the solenoid valve signals.
  • Update Software: Update the control unit software if necessary.

Note: Maintaining the solenoid valve and its associated circuitry is crucial for accurate clutch operation. Regular inspections and prompt repairs can help prevent issues related to low voltage readings.

Title: TCU 522395.05 – C2 Solenoid Valve for Clutch 2, Current Too Low

Code: 522395.05

ShortCode: 522395.05

Description: This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 522395.05) is generated if the control unit registers a resistance at the solenoid valve that does not correspond with the switch status of clutch 2. This indicates that the solenoid valve’s circuit is open, leading to insufficient current flow.

Equipment Reaction: When this error code is detected, the equipment may experience issues with clutch 2 operation, leading to potential performance problems. The system might enter a protective mode to prevent further issues, resulting in limited operational capabilities or warnings displayed to the operator.

Recommendations for Elimination:

1. Inspect Solenoid Valve Circuit:

  • Check for Open Circuit: Inspect the wiring for any signs of disconnection or breaks in the circuit.
  • Ensure Secure Connections: Make sure all connections are secure and free of corrosion.

2. Test the Solenoid Valve:

  • Measure Current: Use a multimeter to measure the current at the signal input of the C2 solenoid valve.
  • Replace if Faulty: Replace the solenoid valve if it is not drawing sufficient current.

3. Examine Wiring and Connectors:

  • Inspect for Damage: Check the wiring and connectors associated with the solenoid valve for damage or disconnection.
  • Repair or Replace: Repair or replace any damaged components.

4. Verify Control Unit Functionality:

  • Test Control Unit: Ensure that the control unit is correctly processing the solenoid valve signals.
  • Update Software: Update the control unit software if necessary.

Note: Maintaining the solenoid valve and its associated circuitry is crucial for accurate clutch operation. Regular inspections and prompt repairs can help prevent issues related to low current readings.

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TCU 522399.03 — C1 Solenoid Valve for Clutch 1, Voltage Too High The diagnostic trouble code is generated if the control unit registers resistance and voltage at the solenoid valve that does not correspond with the switch status of clutch 1. This indicates a short to a positive lead or a defective solenoid valve. The fault can be recognized by the control unit during initializing (control unit boot sequence after the ignition is switched ON) or with transmission in speed band 1. TCU 522399.04 — C1 Solenoid Valve for Clutch 1, Voltage Too Low The diagnostic trouble code is generated if the control unit registers a resistance at the solenoid valve that does not correspond with the switch status of clutch 1, and a voltage drop at the solenoid valve is also registered. This indicates a short to ground in the solenoid valve circuit. TCU 522399.05 — C1 Solenoid Valve for Clutch 1, Current Too Low The diagnostic trouble code is generated if the control unit registers a resistance at the solenoid valve that does not correspond with the switch status of clutch 1. This indicates that the solenoid valve’s circuit is open. TCU 522976.02 — Control Unit Internal Fault This diagnostic trouble code is generated when an electronic malfunction is registered in the control unit.

Title: TCU 522399.03 – C1 Solenoid Valve for Clutch 1, Voltage Too High

Code: 522399.03

ShortCode: 522399.03

Description: This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 522399.03) is generated if the control unit registers resistance and voltage at the solenoid valve that do not correspond with the switch status of clutch 1. This indicates a short to a positive lead or a defective solenoid valve. The fault can be recognized by the control unit during initialization (control unit boot sequence after the ignition is switched ON) or with the transmission in speed band 1.

Equipment Reaction: When this error code is detected, the equipment may experience issues with clutch 1 operation, leading to potential performance problems. The system might enter a protective mode to prevent further issues, resulting in limited operational capabilities or warnings displayed to the operator.

Recommendations for Elimination:

1. Inspect Solenoid Valve Circuit:

  • Check for Shorts: Inspect the wiring for any signs of shorting to a positive lead.
  • Ensure Secure Connections: Make sure all connections are secure and free of corrosion.

2. Test the Solenoid Valve:

  • Measure Voltage: Use a multimeter to measure the voltage at the signal input of the C1 solenoid valve.
  • Replace if Faulty: Replace the solenoid valve if it is providing high voltage readings.

3. Examine Wiring and Connectors:

  • Inspect for Damage: Check the wiring and connectors associated with the solenoid valve for damage or disconnection.
  • Repair or Replace: Repair or replace any damaged components.

4. Verify Control Unit Functionality:

  • Test Control Unit: Ensure that the control unit is correctly processing the solenoid valve signals.
  • Update Software: Update the control unit software if necessary.

Note: Maintaining the solenoid valve and its associated circuitry is crucial for accurate clutch operation. Regular inspections and prompt repairs can help prevent issues related to high voltage readings.

Title: TCU 522399.04 – C1 Solenoid Valve for Clutch 1, Voltage Too Low

Code: 522399.04

ShortCode: 522399.04

Description: This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 522399.04) is generated if the control unit registers a resistance at the solenoid valve that does not correspond with the switch status of clutch 1, and a voltage drop at the solenoid valve is also registered. This typically indicates a short to ground in the solenoid valve circuit.

Equipment Reaction: When this error code is detected, the equipment may experience issues with clutch 1 operation, leading to potential performance problems. The system might enter a protective mode to prevent further issues, resulting in limited operational capabilities or warnings displayed to the operator.

Recommendations for Elimination:

1. Inspect Solenoid Valve Circuit:

  • Check for Shorts to Ground: Inspect the wiring for any signs of shorting to ground.
  • Ensure Secure Connections: Make sure all connections are secure and free of corrosion.

2. Test the Solenoid Valve:

  • Measure Voltage: Use a multimeter to measure the voltage at the signal input of the C1 solenoid valve.
  • Replace if Faulty: Replace the solenoid valve if it is providing low voltage readings.

3. Examine Wiring and Connectors:

  • Inspect for Damage: Check the wiring and connectors associated with the solenoid valve for damage or disconnection.
  • Repair or Replace: Repair or replace any damaged components.

4. Verify Control Unit Functionality:

  • Test Control Unit: Ensure that the control unit is correctly processing the solenoid valve signals.
  • Update Software: Update the control unit software if necessary.


Maintaining the solenoid valve and its associated circuitry is crucial for accurate clutch operation. Regular inspections and prompt repairs can help prevent issues related to low voltage readings.

Control Units: John Deere