TIA 523959.31 – Fault at Transmission
TIA 523959.31 (TIA )
Code: 523959.31
This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is generated when the control software fails to detect tractor motion even though all preconditions for motion are met. In its active state, this fault also generates a diagnostic trouble code in the PTA control software, indicating a synchronization issue between the control units.
Limited or no function of the control software, affecting the transmission and tractor motion.
Inspect Motion Preconditions:
- Verify that all preconditions for tractor motion (e.g., correct gear, throttle position, operator presence) are met.
- Ensure the brake is not engaged and that all safety interlocks are in the correct state.
Check Transmission System:
- Inspect the transmission system for any mechanical faults or obstructions that may prevent motion.
- Ensure that all sensors and actuators related to the transmission are functioning correctly.
Verify Control Software Communication:
- Ensure proper communication between the control software and the PTA control software.
- Inspect CAN BUS wiring and connections for damage or disconnections.
Update Control Software:
- Ensure that the control software and PTA control software are up-to-date with the latest versions from the manufacturer.
Consult Technical Support:
- If the issue persists, consult technical support for further diagnostic procedures or potential hardware issues.
Regular maintenance and inspection of the transmission system and related control units can prevent motion detection issues. Ensuring all sensors and communication lines are functioning correctly is crucial for reliable operation.