UIC 000191.19 – Incorrect CAN BUS Message, Transmission Output Speed from TCU

UIC 000191.19 (UIC 191.19)

Code: 000191.19

Shortcode: 191.19


This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) UIC 000191.19 is generated if the Transmission Control Unit (TCU) does not register any transmission output speed and thus cannot provide the CAN BUS with any data. A transmitted replacement value generates this diagnostic trouble code in the UIC. In its active state, this fault also generates a diagnostic trouble code at the TCU, which takes priority.


When this error occurs, the control unit may enter a fail-safe mode, affecting the vehicle’s ability to determine accurate transmission output speed. This can result in reduced performance or limited functionality.


  • Inspect TCU Connections:
    • Check the wiring and connections to the TCU for any loose, corroded, or damaged connectors.
    • Ensure that all connections are secure and free of debris.
  • Verify CAN BUS Communication:
    • Inspect the CAN BUS network for any issues that may prevent proper communication between the TCU and other control units.
    • Check for proper termination and resistance within the CAN BUS network.
  • Diagnose TCU Faults:
    • Use diagnostic tools to read any error codes stored in the TCU and address them as they take priority over the UIC code.
  • Replace Faulty Components:
    • If the TCU or associated sensors are found to be faulty, replace them as necessary.
  • Consult Technical Support:
    • If the issue persists, contact John Deere technical support for further assistance and potential software updates.


Ensure that the TCU software is up-to-date to prevent compatibility issues with the CAN BUS messages.

Control Units: John Deere