UIC 523962.31 – B89 Front-Wheel Drive Axle Speed Sensor, Signal Does Not Match Transmission Output Speed

UIC 523962.31 (UIC )

Code: 523962.31



This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) UIC 523962.31 is generated under the following circumstances when the transmission oil temperature is above 10°C (50°F) and front-wheel drive is engaged:

  • Difference between front-wheel drive axle speed and transmission output speed above 4% for more than 3 seconds.
  • Front-wheel drive axle speed below or at 200 rpm at a travel speed of more than 0.7 km/h (0.4 mph).


When this error occurs, the control unit may limit the functionality of the front-wheel drive system to prevent potential damage and ensure safe operation.


  • Inspect Front-Wheel Drive Axle Speed Sensor:
    • Check the B89 front-wheel drive axle speed sensor for proper operation and ensure it is providing accurate readings.
  • Verify Transmission Output Speed Sensor:
    • Ensure the transmission output speed sensor is functioning correctly and providing accurate speed data.
  • Inspect Wiring and Connections:
    • Verify that all wiring and connections related to the front-wheel drive axle speed sensor and transmission output speed sensor are secure and free from damage or corrosion.
  • Check for Mechanical Issues:
    • Inspect the front-wheel drive and transmission systems for any mechanical issues that could cause discrepancies in speed readings.
  • Perform System Diagnostics:
    • Use diagnostic tools to read and clear any related error codes and perform system tests to ensure proper functionality.
  • Consult Technical Support:
    • If the issue persists, contact John Deere technical support for further diagnostics and potential solutions.


Regular maintenance and inspection of the front-wheel drive and transmission systems can help prevent such faults and ensure reliable operation.

Control Units: John Deere