UIM 000628.02 – Control Unit Internal Fault

UIM 000628.02 (UIM 628.02)

Code: 000628.02

Shortcode: 628.02


This diagnostic trouble code is triggered when a fault occurs within the internal module, specifically the EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory). The EEPROM is critical for storing configuration settings and data. A fault in this component indicates a significant issue within the control unit.


When this code is detected, the control unit may not function correctly, leading to erratic behavior or complete failure of certain systems. The equipment may enter a limp mode or protective state to prevent further damage.


Reset Control Unit:

  • Attempt to reset the control unit by disconnecting the power source for a few minutes and then reconnecting it. This can sometimes clear temporary faults.

Reprogram or Replace EEPROM:

  • If resetting does not resolve the issue, consider reprogramming the EEPROM if possible. If the EEPROM is damaged, replacing the control unit may be necessary.

Inspect Control Unit Connections:

  • Check all connections to the control unit for signs of damage, corrosion, or looseness. Ensure that all connections are secure and in good condition.

Consult Technical Support:

  • Due to the complexity of internal control unit faults, consult technical support or the manufacturer for detailed diagnostic procedures and potential replacement of the control unit.


Internal control unit faults can lead to significant disruptions in equipment operation. It is crucial to address these issues promptly to restore normal functionality. Regular updates and maintenance of the control unit firmware and software can help prevent such faults.

Control Units: John Deere