XMC 523795.13 – Steering Control Valve Not Calibrated
XMC 523795.13 (XMC )
Code: 523795.13
This diagnostic code is triggered when the steering control valve has an invalid calibration or has not yet been calibrated. Proper calibration of the steering control valve is essential for accurate steering control.
When this error is detected, the control software will limit or disable certain functions to prevent potential malfunctions due to the uncalibrated steering control valve.
Calibrate Steering Control Valve:
- Perform the calibration procedure for the steering control valve as specified in the vehicle’s service manual. Ensure that the calibration is completed successfully.
Check Valve Operation:
- Verify that the steering control valve is operating correctly and responding to control signals as expected.
Inspect Valve Wiring:
- Check the wiring harness connected to the steering control valve for any signs of damage, disconnection, or corrosion. Repair or replace any damaged wiring.
Consult Technical Support:
- If calibration issues persist, consult technical support for further assistance.
Regular calibration and operation checks of the steering control valve are crucial for maintaining accurate and reliable steering system performance. Promptly addressing calibration issues can help ensure optimal functionality.