Your Local Hub for Agricultural Expertise

P&K Midwest in Hiawatha, IA, is a vital part of the agricultural landscape, offering tailored solutions and equipment to support the thriving farming community. As an integral part of the P&K Midwest group, the Hiawatha location carries the company’s legacy of quality service and commitment to the local community.

Diverse Equipment for Diverse Needs

Hiawatha’s P&K Midwest is your one-stop shop for an extensive range of John Deere equipment. Whether it’s the versatile compact and utility tractors, precision mowing and landscaping machinery, or rugged Gators and side-by-side vehicles, they have the equipment to empower your agricultural pursuits. The branch also specializes in compact construction and frontier equipment, ensuring that every aspect of your farming or construction needs is covered.

Unmatched Support and Genuine Parts

Recognizing the importance of uptime, P&K Midwest in Hiawatha maintains a vast selection of genuine John Deere parts, ensuring your equipment remains in top condition. With a dedicated team of over 150 factory-trained technicians, they provide unparalleled service and support, keeping your operations running smoothly.

Flexible Financing Options

Understanding the financial complexities of modern agriculture, P&K Midwest in Hiawatha offers customized financing solutions. These include John Deere financial services, leasing options, and partner programs designed to make the acquisition of top-notch equipment manageable and affordable.

Community-Focused and Customer-Driven

P&K Midwest in Hiawatha prides itself on being an active part of the community. Catering to homeowners, farmers, commercial business owners, contractors, and golf superintendents alike, they are committed to serving the diverse needs of their clients with urgency and respect.

Visit P&K Midwest in Hiawatha to explore how they can serve your agricultural and equipment needs. With a steadfast commitment to customer satisfaction and community service, they stand as your go-to partner for all things John Deere.

P&K Midwest

📍 733 N Center Point Rd
52233, USA, Iowa, Hiawatha

📞 319-378-3337

