In order for peasants to hold onto their farms for future generations, they must more productively utilize the time they spend in the field.
John Deere’s freshly baked ExactRate ™ helps farmers do just that. ExactRate, which debuts for this week at Commodity Classic, has a seeder setup that fertilizes freshly baked crops at twice the speed it was likely to previously, and at the same time works flawlessly with other freshly baked Deere technologies that allow farmers to suddenly plant their crops …

“Numerous independent surveys have shown that fertilizer added at planting time guarantees the best ability for plant health, actual ripening and increased bushels per acre,” said Kevin Jule, Deere Marketing Director.

ExactRate helps farmers shorten the travel required to replenish their fertilizer tanks during planting by allowing them to transport 1,600 gallons of fertilizer with a freshly baked 8RX tractor and freshly baked Deere planters. This fertility is enough for a decent amount of time between refueling.
“We used to have an imbalance,” said Grant Wanderlich, Conclusion Designer at Deere. “Our buyers have a supply of seeds for several sowing times, but the amount of fertilizer is an extremely small plot of this. We have worked in different factories in order to fill this gap, and the art of having this property for our clients’ business is the best plot of this alone. “

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