BIF 522427.19 – Conflicting Control Signals for Windshield Wiper Relay. John Deere System Advisory.

BIF 522427.19 (BIF )

Code: 522427.19



Error code BIF 522427.19 occurs when the output for activating the windshield wiper relay (K06/04 or K02/04) is improperly energized by more than one control unit. This issue indicates a problem in the CAN BUS system where multiple control units send conflicting commands to the same relay, potentially leading to erratic or unintended windshield wiper operation.


The system may exhibit irregular behavior of the windshield wiper function, including unexpected activation or failure to respond to controls, as it receives mixed signals from different sources.


  • Identify and Isolate Control Units: Utilize diagnostic tools to determine which control units are sending conflicting signals. This may involve checking software settings or wiring diagrams to understand the network configuration.
  • Update and Configure Software: Make sure that all involved control units have the latest software updates installed. Correct any configuration errors that may allow multiple units to control the windshield wiper relay.
  • Check CAN BUS Configuration: Review and potentially reconfigure the CAN BUS system to clearly define control pathways and responsibilities for each control unit to prevent overlap in commands.
  • Test System Integration: After making adjustments, test the integration of the control units to ensure they operate harmoniously, without sending overlapping signals to the relay.
  • Comprehensive System Testing: Conduct extensive testing of the electrical and control systems to verify that the issue has been fully resolved and that all components are communicating correctly without interference.


It is crucial to maintain clear and precise communication pathways in CAN BUS systems to ensure stable and reliable operation of vehicle functions. Regular system checks and updates are recommended to prevent conflicts in command signals and ensure that components such as windshield wipers operate as intended. Effective troubleshooting and prompt resolution of CAN BUS communication issues are essential for maintaining operational efficiency and safety standards.

Control Units: John Deere

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