SSU 000237.02 – Incorrect CAN BUS Message, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) from BCU
SSU 000237.02 (SSU 237.02)
Code: 000237.02
Shortcode: 237.02
This diagnostic trouble code (DTC), SSU 000237.02, is generated when there is a data transfer problem between the Body Control Unit (BCU) and the SSU concerning the vehicle identification number (VIN). Reception of the CAN message regarding the VIN is intermittent or nonexistent, which could be due to a loose wire or other communication issues.
When this error is detected, the equipment may not correctly identify the vehicle, leading to potential issues with vehicle diagnostics, tracking, and operation.
Verify CAN BUS Communication:
- Inspect the CAN BUS wiring and connectors for any signs of damage, loose connections, or corrosion.
- Ensure that all wiring and connections related to the BCU and SSU are secure and in good condition.
Check VIN Data Entry:
- Ensure that the VIN data is correctly entered and recognized by the system.
- Verify that the BCU and SSU are correctly configured and functioning.
Update Software:
- Ensure that the BCU and SSU software are up-to-date. Update the software to include the latest diagnostic trouble codes and communication protocols.
Replace Faulty Components:
- If any components within the CAN BUS network are found to be defective, replace them with new, genuine parts.
Consult Technical Support:
- If the error persists after performing the above steps, consult technical support or the manufacturer for further assistance in identifying and resolving the issue.
- Regular maintenance and inspection of the CAN BUS wiring and connected components can help prevent this issue.
- This code may sometimes be triggered by intermittent faults in the CAN BUS communication, so monitoring the system for any recurrence is crucial.