TCU 524183.19 – Incorrect CAN BUS Message, Change of Direction of Travel from UIC

TCU 524183.19 (TCU )

Code: 524183.19



This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 524183.19) is generated if the UIC control unit is not able to determine the value for changing direction of travel (PSS) and so cannot provide the CAN BUS with any relevant data. A transmitted replacement value generates this diagnostic trouble code in the TCU. In its active state, this fault also generates a diagnostic trouble code at the UIC.


When this error code is detected, the equipment may experience issues with determining the direction of travel, leading to potential performance problems. The system might display warnings or enter a protective mode to prevent further issues.


1. Inspect UIC Control Unit:

  • Verify Operation: Ensure that the UIC control unit is functioning correctly and able to determine the direction of travel value.
  • Check Connections: Ensure all connections to the UIC control unit are secure and free of corrosion.

2. Verify CAN BUS Communication:

  • Check Data Transmission: Ensure that the CAN BUS is transmitting accurate data from the UIC control unit to the TCU.
  • Inspect for Errors: Look for any errors or interruptions in the data transmission.

3. Examine Direction of Travel Mechanism:

  • Inspect Mechanism: Ensure the direction of travel mechanism is functioning correctly and providing accurate data.
  • Replace if Necessary: Replace any faulty components in the direction of travel mechanism.

4. Examine Wiring and Connectors:

  • Inspect Wiring: Check all wiring and connectors associated with the direction of travel mechanism and CAN BUS system for damage or disconnection.
  • Repair or Replace: Repair or replace any faulty wiring or connectors.

5. Update Software:

  • Update Control Unit Software: Ensure that the UIC and TCU software are up-to-date to prevent communication issues.


Maintaining reliable CAN BUS communication and accurate direction of travel data is essential for optimal equipment performance. Regular inspections and prompt repairs can help prevent issues related to incorrect CAN BUS messages.

Control Units: John Deere