TCU 524218.12 – Park Lock Engaged during Power Zero

TCU 524218.12 (TCU )

Code: 524218.12



This diagnostic trouble code (TCU 524218.12) is generated if the control unit detects that the park lock is engaged, even though Power Zero is commanded by the UIC control unit at the same time.


When this error code is detected, the equipment may experience issues with the park lock and power zero command, leading to potential performance problems. The system might display warnings or enter a protective mode to prevent further issues.


1. Inspect Park Lock Mechanism:

  • Verify Operation: Ensure that the park lock mechanism is functioning correctly and not engaging when Power Zero is commanded.
  • Check Connections: Ensure all connections to the park lock mechanism are secure and free of corrosion.

2. Verify Power Zero Command:

  • Check Command Signals: Ensure that the Power Zero command is being correctly transmitted by the UIC control unit.
  • Inspect for Errors: Look for any errors or interruptions in the command signals.

3. Examine Wiring and Connectors:

  • Inspect Wiring: Check all wiring and connectors associated with the park lock mechanism and Power Zero command system for damage or disconnection.
  • Repair or Replace: Repair or replace any faulty wiring or connectors.

4. Verify CAN BUS Communication:

  • Check Data Transmission: Ensure that the CAN BUS is transmitting accurate data regarding the park lock and Power Zero command.
  • Inspect for Errors: Look for any errors or interruptions in the data transmission.

5. Update Software:

  • Update Control Unit Software: Ensure that the UIC and TCU software are up-to-date to prevent communication issues.


Maintaining reliable CAN BUS communication and accurate park lock and Power Zero commands is essential for optimal equipment performance. Regular inspections and prompt repairs can help prevent issues related to conflicting commands.

Control Units: John Deere