TIA 000606.16 – Engine Speed Too High

TIA 000606.16 (TIA 606.16)

Code: 000606.16

Shortcode: 606.16


This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) provides information only and is generated when the control software detects that the engine speed is too high. The code indicates that it is necessary to reduce speed (ground speed) when there is no weight pushing from behind to account for the excessive speed.


Limited or no function of the control software to prevent potential damage from high engine speeds.


Reduce Engine Speed:

  • Reduce the engine speed immediately to within the recommended operating range.
  • Avoid operating the vehicle at excessively high speeds without appropriate load.

Check for Related ECU Codes:

  • Investigate and address any other related ECU diagnostic trouble codes that might be causing or contributing to high engine speed.

Monitor Engine Load:

  • Ensure the vehicle is not operating without sufficient load, which can lead to excessive speed.

Update Control Software:

  • Ensure that the control software is up-to-date to prevent false high-speed detections.

Consult Technical Support:

  • If the issue persists, consult technical support for further diagnostic procedures or to identify any underlying issues with the engine control system.


Maintaining proper engine load and avoiding unnecessary high speeds can prevent this DTC. Regular monitoring of engine performance and adhering to operating guidelines is essential.

Control Units: John Deere