TSC 003509.04 – 5volt Power Supply to TLS Sensors, Voltage Too Low

TSC 003509.04 (TSC 3509.04)

Code: 003509.04

Shortcode: 3509.04


This diagnostic trouble code, TSC 003509.04, is triggered when the voltage measured at the positive lead of the power supply to the 5-volt components (TLS position sensor B53 and TLS oil pressure sensor B167) is below 4.65 volts. This indicates a short to ground in the circuit.


When this error occurs, the affected sensors may not receive adequate power, leading to incorrect readings and impaired functionality of the TLS system.


Inspect Power Supply Circuit:

  • Check for Shorts to Ground:
    • Examine the wiring for any signs of short circuits to ground.
    • Repair any identified shorts in the circuit.

Inspect Sensors:

  • Check Sensor Connections:
    • Ensure that the TLS position sensor B53 and TLS oil pressure sensor B167 are properly connected and not damaged.
    • Replace any faulty sensors.

Verify TSC Internal Circuitry:

  • Check for Internal Faults:
    • Inspect the internal circuitry of the TSC for any interruptions or faults.
    • Repair or replace the TSC if necessary.


Maintaining the stability of the 5-volt power supply to the TLS sensors is crucial for accurate sensor readings and proper system functionality. Regular inspections and maintenance of the power supply circuit and sensors are recommended.

Control Units: John Deere