TSC 523951.13 – TLS Front-Wheel Drive Axle, Fault During Calibration

TSC 523951.13 (TSC )

Code: 523951.13



This diagnostic trouble code, TSC 523951.13, is triggered when the TSC (TLS front-wheel drive axle) has an invalid calibration. Potential causes include:

  • Engine speed too low (between 100 and 500 rpm).
  • Tractor speed detected.
  • Front-wheel drive axle moves in the wrong direction.
  • Level (mid) position not within the tolerance range (between 2 and 3 volts).
  • Standard pressure in the level (mid) position not achieved within 90 seconds.
  • Voltage range (0.5 to 1.5 volts) not achieved within 90 seconds when rising.
  • Voltage range (3.5 to 4.5 volts) not achieved within 90 seconds when lowering.
  • Circuit problem at TLS position sensor (B53) or TLS oil pressure sensor (B167).
  • Circuit problem at solenoid valve for raising/lowering or at solenoid valve for pressure buildup/reduction.
  • CAN BUS fault (engine speed/wheel speed).


When this error occurs, the TLS front-wheel drive axle calibration process fails, leading to potential misalignment and operational issues.


Check Engine Speed:

  • Ensure Proper Engine RPM:
    • Verify that the engine speed is outside the 100-500 rpm range during calibration.
    • Adjust or repair the engine to ensure proper RPM during calibration.

Inspect Vehicle Movement:

  • Ensure Stationary Calibration:
    • Ensure the tractor is stationary during calibration to avoid wheel speed detection.
    • Repeat calibration on a flat, stable surface.

Verify Solenoid Valve Connections:

  • Check for Correct Connections:
    • Ensure that the solenoid valves for raising and lowering are correctly connected.
    • Correct any mixed-up connections.

Inspect TLS Position and Pressure Sensors:

  • Check Sensor Installation:
    • Verify that the TLS position sensor B53 and TLS oil pressure sensor B167 are installed correctly.
    • Reinstall or replace the sensors if necessary.

Check Voltage Ranges:

  • Monitor Voltage Ranges:
    • Ensure voltage ranges meet the required specifications during calibration.
    • Investigate and address any circuit issues with the sensors or solenoid valves.

Inspect CAN BUS Communication:

  • Ensure Data Integrity:
    • Verify CAN BUS communication for engine and wheel speed data.
    • Repair any identified CAN BUS issues.


Accurate calibration of the TLS front-wheel drive axle is essential for proper operation. Regular inspections and maintenance of engine speed, solenoid valves, sensors, and CAN BUS communication are necessary to prevent calibration faults.

Control Units: John Deere