TSC 523972.03 – Cab Suspension All the Way Down, Voltage Too High (During Calibration)

TSC 523972.03 (TSC )

Code: 523972.03



This diagnostic trouble code, TSC 523972.03, is triggered when, during calibration, the TSC (cab suspension) detects too high a voltage (more than 2 volts) at the signal output of the cab position sensor (B110) when the cab suspension is at its bottom position.


When this error occurs, the cab suspension calibration process fails, potentially leading to incorrect positioning and operational issues.


Inspect Cab Position Sensor:

  • Check Sensor Output:
    • Verify the signal output of the cab position sensor B110 to ensure it is within the expected range.
    • Recalibrate or replace the sensor if necessary.

Inspect Sensor Circuit:

  • Check for Circuit Issues:
    • Examine the wiring and connections of the cab position sensor for any signs of damage, loose connections, or corrosion.
    • Repair or replace any faulty components in the circuit.

Verify Calibration Process:

  • Ensure Correct Calibration Procedure:
    • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the calibration process.
    • Ensure all necessary conditions (engine speed, tractor stationary) are met during calibration.


Proper calibration of the cab suspension system is essential for accurate positioning and smooth operation. Regular inspections and maintenance of the cab position sensor and its circuit are necessary to prevent calibration faults.

Control Units: John Deere