TIA 000237.02 – VIN Information, Mismatch

TIA 000237.02 (TIA 237.02)

Code: 000237.02

Shortcode: 237.02


This diagnostic trouble code is generated when there is a mismatch in the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) information from different control units or control software within the vehicle.


Limited function of the vehicle due to inconsistent VIN information.


Verify VIN Information:

  • Check and verify the VIN information across all control units to ensure consistency.
  • Correct any discrepancies in the VIN information.

Inspect Control Units:

  • Ensure all control units are properly synchronized and updated with the correct VIN information.
  • Reprogram or replace control units if necessary.

Consult Technical Support:

  • If the issue persists, consult technical support for further diagnostic procedures or to determine if there is an underlying issue with the control software or hardware.


Regular updates and synchronization of control units can prevent VIN mismatches. Keeping accurate records and performing thorough inspections during vehicle maintenance can help maintain consistent VIN information across all control units.

Control Units: John Deere