TIA 000237.14 – VIN Information, System De-Activated
TIA 000237.14 (TIA 237.14)
Code: 000237.14
Shortcode: 237.14
This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is generated when the VIN security function fails to enable due to an internal problem. This typically indicates an incorrect reprogramming of the control software, preventing proper VIN security activation.
Limited function of the vehicle due to the deactivation of the VIN security system.
Verify Control Software Programming:
- Check the control software programming for any errors or inconsistencies.
- Reprogram the control software correctly to ensure the VIN security function is enabled.
Inspect Control Units:
- Ensure that all control units are correctly programmed and synchronized with the vehicle’s VIN.
- Replace or repair any faulty control units that are not correctly programmed.
Consult Technical Support:
- If reprogramming does not resolve the issue, consult technical support for further assistance in diagnosing and correcting the problem.
Regular updates and correct programming of control software are crucial for maintaining the security and functionality of the vehicle. Ensure all control units are properly synchronized to prevent deactivation issues.