TIA 000237.31 – VIN Information, Incorrect

TIA 000237.31 (TIA 237.31)

Code: 000237.31

Shortcode: 237.31


This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is generated when the control software does not receive the vehicle identification number (VIN) from other control units, or receives it incorrectly. All active VIN participants must send the programmed VIN to the control software at regular intervals.


Limited function of the vehicle due to inconsistent or missing VIN information.


Verify VIN Transmission:

  • Check that all control units are programmed to send the VIN at regular intervals.
  • Ensure that the VIN information is correctly formatted and transmitted without errors.

Inspect Communication Channels:

  • Inspect the communication channels between control units for any issues, such as damaged wiring or poor connections.
  • Repair or replace any faulty communication channels.

Reprogram Control Units:

  • Reprogram control units to ensure they correctly transmit the VIN information.
  • Update control software to the latest version to prevent transmission errors.

Consult Technical Support:

  • If the issue persists, consult technical support for further diagnostic procedures and solutions.


Consistent VIN transmission is essential for vehicle functionality and security. Regular maintenance and checks of communication channels and control units can help prevent issues with VIN information.

Control Units: John Deere