TIA 000587.31 – Control Software Incorrectly Configured

TIA 000587.31 (TIA 587.31)

Code: 000587.31

Shortcode: 587.31


This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is generated when the TIA control software detects an incorrect setting or input in the tractor model address. This indicates that the control software is not configured correctly for the specific tractor model.


Limited or no function of the control software, impacting overall vehicle performance.


Verify Control Software Configuration:

  • Check the configuration settings of the control software to ensure they match the specific tractor model.
  • Correct any incorrect settings or inputs in the tractor model address.

Reconfigure Control Software:

  • Reconfigure the control software with the correct settings for the tractor model.
  • Ensure all parameters are correctly set to prevent configuration errors.

Update Software:

  • Ensure that the control software is up-to-date with the latest version provided by the manufacturer.

Consult Technical Support:

  • If the problem persists after reconfiguration, consult technical support for further assistance in diagnosing and correcting the configuration issue.


Proper configuration of control software is crucial for the efficient operation of the vehicle. Regular checks and updates can help maintain the correct configuration and prevent issues related to incorrect settings.

Control Units: John Deere